IPFresearch was the organizer of MESIC 2021. MESIC was born under the patronage of the Manufacturing Engineering Society (SIF), to fulfil one of its founding objectives: the creation of forums for the exchange of experiences between national and international researchers and professionals in the field of Manufacturing Engineering. In its 9th edition, the COVID-19 pandemic has prevented the Conference from being held in person in Gijón (23-25 June 2021), as initially planned, having to move to a virtual platform.
The 8th edition of MESIC 2019 was held from 19 to 21 June in Madrid. IPFresearch participated with 4 communications.
The 7th edition of MESIC 2017 was held from 28 to 30 June in Vigo. The MESIC2017 aims to explore the traditional manufacturing models, how they are evolving, and how manufacturing professionals should face the resulting competitive challenges. These have to be seen within the context of an ever increasing use of digital information systems and communication technologies and its transformation processes, taking into account the new trends in Manufacturing Industry 4.0. IPFresearch participated with 5 communications.
The Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference is conducted every two years fulfilling one of the most important objectives of the Manufacturing Engineering Society: creating forums for exchanging experiences in this field of knowledge. MESIC"s main objective is to offer a meeting point for professionals and researchers from industry, research centres and academia to present and discuss recent advances in the field of Manufacturing Engineering. The scope of the conference covers several topics for technical papers to be presented in oral and poster sessions.